Our School Vision
Our school continually provides a safe, secure, stimulating and motivational environment for each individual. All pupils and adults have mutual respect for one another, their community and their world. All contributions are valued and there is equality and fairness for all. The ethos of our school is welcoming, calm yet energised, hard- working and positive, where everyone is valued, has high ambition and is able to experience a sense of achievement. All pupils are polite, courteous and respectful. They have the self-confidence, belief and skills to aspire to excellence. The attendance of children is excellent with children only late for school in cases of emergency.
The learning environment is clean, inspiring, stimulating and encourages children to want to learn. The external environment is safe, clean and stimulating, with all land and areas being used to their full potential, catering for all needs. The curriculum is broad, creative, engaging, challenging, meaningful, innovative, and sequential and progressive with equity to meet the needs of every child. Individual achievements of all pupils, staff and parents are recognised. They are encouraged to be proud of their achievements and have a desire to continue to succeed. All pupils are actively engaged in their learning. They are aware and fully informed of their potential attainment and what they need to do to achieve this.Academic achievement of all children exceeds what might be expected considering both initial attainment on entry and background factors. Every child receives the appropriate support to enable them to flourish and reach their full potential in all areas.
There is a staff development programme in place whereby all staff feel valued and are working to their potential. Teaching across the school is consistently good or better. All pupils, staff, parents and carers are provided with the opportunity to contribute positively to the community spirit of Westover Green. Our school has a positive reputation and is valued and used by the local community. Local community facilities are utilised to enhance children’s learning and the school is part of the wider Futura Learning Partnership whereby staff work together for the greater good.
A high percentage of pupils access the extra curricular clubs. They represent the school in a wide variety of activities e.g. sport, music, dance, drama etc. and are encouraged to live healthy, active lives. Children, parents, governors, staff and associates of the school are proud to be part of Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre.