• Language

Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre

Year 1

Welcome to the Year 1 page 2024-2025. Year 1 consists of two classes:

Cherry and Apple.

Miss Creedy is the class teacher in Cherry Class. Working alongside is Miss S Lock as a Teaching Assistant.

Miss Gardner is the class teacher in Apple Class and working alongside is Miss Khatum as a Teaching Assistant.

Please keep your eyes on this page as we share aspects of your child's learning and experiences throughout the year, as well as letters and updates relevant to Year 1.

Sharing Letters & Timetables

Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Overview



The children all have a Phonics reading book. Please ensure that this comes to school everyday. The expectation is that every child reads their reading books at least 5 times a week. This is to ensure they develop their decoding skills, build up fluency and can comprehend what they have read. Phonic reading books will be changed once a week.

Your child has also come home with a list of High Frequency Words (HFW) that have been highlighted. These are the words that you child does not yet know by sight. Please get your child to practise these at home. The aim is for them to read them by sight and to not sound them out.


Recently in Year 1


On Tuesday 5th December Year 1 took part in the KS1 Nativity 'A Midwife Crisis'. Key stage 1 performed at Westfield Church to an audience of very proud parents. Apple class performed the 'Star song' dressed as twinkling stars and Cherry class performed 'Ba Ba Bethlehem' dressed as shepherds and sheep. The performance was excellent and all children sang and signed beautifully, making both their parents and teachers very proud. Well done year 1!

Apple Class - Stars Cherry Class - Shepherds and Sheep


During term 2, the children have been learning all about The Great Fire of London. They learnt how the fire began on Pudding Lane and what the houses were made of, they then explored how the housing has changed since 1666 to the modern day and made their own Pudding Lane.