• Language

Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre

Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 page 2024 - 2025. Year 2 consists of two classes:

Pear and Willow.

Pear Class will be taught by Mrs Williams with Mr loat as the class teaching assistant.

Willow Class will be taught by Miss Papadopoulou with Mrs Clarke as the class teaching assistant.

Please keep your eyes on this page as we share aspects of your child's learning and experiences throughout the year, as well as letters and updates relevant to Year 2.


Curriculum Overviews

Curriculum Overview



A spelling sheet will be sent home every week for your child to practise. We would like them to practise reading, spelling and writing them neatly in pencil.

Every Friday, the children will come home with their homework book.

Thank you for your continued support with their learning.


When will my child get a reading book?

Children will receive a new reading book every Thursday.

How often will my child’s book be changed?

Your child/ren will bring home a book and this will be changed once a week. This is to ensure that your child develops fluency (Fluency is the link between recognising words and understanding them so that readers can make the link between words, sounds, and meaning more quickly), becomes confident at decoding skills, as well as an understanding about what they are reading by being able to comprehend. As we want to promote reading for enjoyment, your child/ren will now be able to choose their own book from a large selection of fiction and non – fiction books aimed at their specific phonics level. By picking their own book, we hope that they become excited about reading and want to share with you their chosen book. We will continue to assess your child/ren at the end of each half term and the appropriate phase of book will be adjusted accordingly.

How often should I hear my child read their reading book?

As a whole school, we are planning to raise the profile of pupils reading regularly at home – “a little and often approach”. We encourage your child to read their book at least five times each week and ask that you sign their reading record each time. A new “Little Wandle” phonics reading book will be sent home once their class teacher is satisfied that they are ready to move on.

At the beginning of the week, your child/ren may read their book by sounding out and blending (this is perfectly normal as your child is learning to decode). By reading every day, this will help to build fluency and enable your child/ren to read the book more fluently and with less sounding out. Once they have decoded the words and can read their book fluently, ask your child/ren questions about the book to develop their comprehension skills. Additionally encourage them to ask you if they do not understand a word or ask them what a particular word means. This will help to put the story in context and your child/ren can fully understand what they have read.

Read a Rainbow

Please read PDF below for more information.

reading rainbow letter .pdf

Accelerated Reader

Please read PDF below for more information.

accelerated reader information for parents and carers y2.pdf


Please continue to read as much as you can!

Here is a link to the Big Cat Reading books.

Click on the picture above to take you to the website.

Click on the Teacher icon

username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk

password: Parents20!

Recently in Year 2

Autumn 1

Year 2 have enjoyed exploring their Autumn 1 Topic 'Australian Adventures!' They wrote their own Aboriginal dreaming stories based on Tiddilick the Frog. Also, they researched Australian animals and wrote fantastic Non-Chronological Reports.

Please take a look at our wonderful pictures to see what we have explored in Autumn 1.

Hello Yellow Day


Design and Technology

Autumn 2

Year 2 have been immersed in their topic 'Great and Ghastly Events!' They had explored the book 'Billy and the Beast.' Also, they had written amazing narrative stories and a set of instructions on 'How to make delicious soup.' They had worked extremely hard in their Addition and Subtraction unit too!

A special 'Well done' to all of the children for their nativity 'A Midwife's Crisis.' They were absolutely brilliant.

Please take a look at the wonderful pictures to see what we have explored in Autumn 2.



Spring 1

During this term, we have explored Extreme Weather. The children have been reading and using the book 'The Squirrels who Squabbled.' They have written a fabulous description of a forest and a letter to Plan Ahead Bruce. Also, the children have been extremely busy learning their Multiplication and Division unit.

Please take a look at our fabulous photos to see what we have been doing in Spring 1.

Design and Technology

Safer Internet Day: February 2024

Spring 2

The children have started to explore their 'Where and Who Am I?' topic. They will look at the local history of Bridgwater and visit the 'Brick and Tile Museum.' In English, the children are exploring 'In this room' by Pie Corbett and they will write a poem based on this text. As Mathematicians, they will explore Fractions and in Science they have started to investigate Growth and Survival.

Trip to Brick and Tile Museum