• Language

Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre

Welcome to the Year 3 page 2024-2025. Year 3 consists of two classes:

Holly and Silver Birch.

Holly class is taught by Mrs Davies (Monday and Tuesday) and Mrs Jolley (Wednesday- Friday). Mrs Pople is the class teaching assistant.

Silver Birch is taught by Miss Bradley. Mrs Turner is the class teaching assistant.

Please keep your eyes on this page as we share aspects of your child's learning and experiences throughout the year, as well as letters and updates relevant to Year 3.

Letters and Notices

Curriculum Overviews

Year 3 Curriculum Overview



Year 3 are expected to read at home for at least 20 minutes, 5 times a week.

How can I help my child to read?

* Help Your Child with Reading- Poster for Parents

* Top Tips- Reading with Your Child at Home


Spellings will be sent home for the children to practice.

How can I help my child to learn their spellings?

* Help Your Child With Spelling- Poster For Parents

HT1 Spelling Patterns, Rules and Word Lists

HT2 Adding Suffixes

HT3 Spellings

HT4 Spellings

Summer Term Spellings

Times tables:

Times tables will be sent home for the children to learn.

How can I help my child to learn the times tables?

* Oxford Owl Times Tables In School Booklet

Independently, they can also use:


TTRS passwords can be found in your child's reading record.



In Computing Year 3 have been learning about 'Desk Top Publishing'. They have learned how to change text font, size and colour for a given purpose.

During our PE lessons this half term the children have been developing one leg balance skills so that they can balance with minimum wobble.

They learned how to do this by:

Looking forward and imagining a focus point.

Keeping their tummy muscles (core muscles) tight and back straight.

And finally, by using their arms to help balance.

In Science we have been studying rocks, soils and fossils.

We learnt that fossils can take millions of years to form, however, we made ours in an afternoon! In English we have been learning how to write instructions so following instructions of how to make a fossil helped with our learning.

In Art the children were learning how to mix primary colours to make a variety of secondary colours.

They also experimented with colours and water to create a colour wash.

Year 3 Geography

The children have enjoyed using an atlas to locate and label countries within Europe.

Year 3- In Food Technology we learned about the celebrity chef Gini Di’Campo and the types of food that he is famous for cooking. We designed our own pizza and then had lots of fun making the dough for the pizza base. This involved kneading and shaping the dough. We also learned about the importance of food hygiene.

On Wednesday 13th December, Year 3 walked to Scott Cinema for an exclusive viewing of ‘Arthur Christmas’.

The children were overwhelmed by the size of the cinema screen and even the seats seemed enormous for some!

All of the adults agreed that the children’s behaviour was impeccable throughout and everyone (including the adults!) thought the film was brilliant.

A wonderful Christmas treat for all!