• Language

Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre

Religious Education

Intent Statement

The Futura intent for Religious Education is that all children develop an awareness of major world religions and world views, including their impact on society and culture. Our pupils should be able to appreciate and respect faiths and beliefs which may be different to their own, which will equip them for their adult life, employment as well as lifelong learning. Through RE lessons, children will be able to engage with challenging questions of meaning and purpose, which will equip them to continue their studies of RE in secondary school where they will deepen their understanding of different world faiths as well as more general philosophical and ethical questions. Our pupils will be given the opportunity to develop their own religious, spiritual and philosophical beliefs in a safe environment. Children will be able to reflect, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate different issues which are prevalent in our society, whilst also promoting mutual respect and tolerance in line with British Values. Our curriculum is ambitious for all and strives to address inclusion and disadvantage in its intent and implementation.

We teach Religious Education using the scheme ‘Discovery RE’ resource to support our lessons.

For more information, please see the Futura Curriculum for Religious Education