As your child moves through the school we keep a careful record of his/her achievements. The Government requires us to keep very detailed records of the levels our children are working at in all subjects.
Initial discussions with parents/carers and information from pre-school settings ensure we have knowledge of each individual before they join us.
You will be invited to two parent-teacher meetings, one in the autumn and one in the Spring Term. Children at Westover Green will receive a written report at the end of each school year, highlighting their achievements and academic progress. Arrangements will be made for any parents/carers who wish to come into school to discuss this report with class teachers. Records are available at all times and you are welcome to come and chat about your child’s progress with their teacher at any time.
Foundation Stage Profile
At the end of the FS year, children are assessed and parents are informed of the results. This assessment gives the school an understanding of where each child is in terms of their listening and speaking, reading, writing, number, physical development and social skills.
Non Statutory Assessment Tests
We recognise the importance of closely monitoring children’s progress throughout school. Children are assessed by their teachers every half term so we can ensure they maintain at least a good learning journey.
Statutory Assessment Tests
Children in the EYFS undertake a Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) within their first 6 weeks of starting in reception.
Children in Year 1 take the Phonics Screening Test in June each year.
Children in Year 4 have an additional National Multiplication Test in the summer term.
Children in Year 6 are assessed using the National Tests provided by the Government in May each year.
These tests are very important so please make sure that you do not book holidays during this period. Parents/carers are informed of their child’s results in July.