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Westover Green Community School and Autism Centre

School Meals

School meals are provided by Aspen Catering. The meals are cooked at Willowdown School and brought into school and served in the main Hall.

Free school meals

All children in EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal. This is called a UIFSM Universal Infant Free School Meal. Disappointingly, we have many families that still provide an expensive packed lunch themselves for their children in these year groups and we would encourage you to take up this great entitlement.

EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 (Key Stage 1) APPLY HERE: UIFSM Universal Infant Free School Meal Application Form

Children in years 3, 4 5 and 6 are only entitled to free school meals if their families are in receipt of Income Support or Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance.

Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 (Key Stage 2) APPLY HERE: www.somerset.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals

Unfortunately if you receive working Tax credits you are not eligible for free school meals but if you have recently become unemployed, and are still receiving Working Tax Credits, you may be entitled. Please phone Somerset County Council on 0845 345 9122 for advice.

If your child is entitled to receive free school meals but chooses to bring a packed lunch from home, please complete a Free School Meal form as we may be able to receive Pupil Premium Funding for your child even if they do not eat a free school meal.

Packed lunches

Dining accommodation is provided for children who wish to bring and eat their own packed lunch in school. Children may bring drinks, but fizzy drinks are not permitted and water is always encouraged as it is free and the healthiest option. Please ensure your child's lunchbox is clearly named.

School Milk and Fruit

Children in the Reception classes are given free milk as part of an EEC grant.

Children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (years 1 and 2) also receive fruit daily as part of a Government initiative.

For morning break, all children may bring a fruit snack, but as part of our programme to encourage healthy eating we do not allow sweets, chocolate or biscuits. Water is freely available in the classrooms and also from the playground water fountains.

Aspens Online Ordering and Payment System

The Aspens App - this is an online ordering and payment system for your child’s school meal. The school no longer sends out paper menus and all orders must be placed using the online ordering system. This system will be completely separate from school and run entirely by Aspens.

If you would like your child to have a school meal you will need to set up an online account with Aspens and make your orders directly with them.

Aspens – You can contact Aspens via email on info@aspens-services.com or call on 01905 759613 . You will also find a host of information on our website www.aspens-services.com

Please click on the links below to access further information about the online ordering and payment system:

Youtube - How to Register my Child

Youtube - Placing Orders